
steam手机令牌|Steam mobile token

Steam 平台是Valve公司聘请BitTorrent(BT下载)发明者布拉姆·科恩亲自开发设计的游戏平台。Steam 平台是目前全球最大的综合性数字发行平台之一。玩家可以在该平台购买、下载、讨论、上传和分享游戏和软件。
点击进入 顶级在线游戏平台 Steam,Click on Steam to enter the top online game platform
2019年8月21日,Steam中国项目正式定名为“蒸汽平台” 。
Steam Platform is a game platform developed and designed by Bram Cohen, the inventor of BitTorrent (BT download) hired by Valve. Steam platform is one of the largest comprehensive digital distribution platforms in the world. Players can purchase, download, discuss, upload and share games and software on the platform.
In October 2015, Steam won the 33rd Golden Rocker Award for Best Platform.
On August 21, 2019, Steam China Project was officially named Steam Platform.


Steam 是一个整合游戏下载平台。2002年,Steam系统与CS1.4 Beta一起问世。至目前为止,Steam的运作十分成功广泛,无数游戏发行公司的游戏在此平台上发行、更新。
Origin of Steam
Steam is an integrated game download platform. In 2002, Steam came out with CS1.4 Beta. Up to now, Steam’s operation has been very successful and extensive. Numerous game issuers have released and updated their games on this platform.
Steam is translated into steam. As for why it’s called “Steam”. It’s incredibly fast to download games on the team platform. It’s as fast as steam, so it’s called Steam. Usually, it can reach full speed. There are seven domestic download points available at present.

每个STEAM帐户除了帐号及密码之外。还有一组独一无二的STEAM ID。标准为:STEAM_0:0(也有可能是STEAM_0:1):XXXXXXX(X为六到八码0~9的阿拉伯数字)
Steam平台的客户端新增加了一个名叫STEAM GUARD的功能,旨在保护Steam用户账户的安全。STEAM GUARD首先需要使Steam账户与一个安全邮箱绑定,在Steam用户使用一套以前未登录过自己Steam账号的电脑登录Steam账户的时候,Steam会发送一个包含验证码的电子邮件到安全邮箱中,然后通过登录界面弹出的验证界面输入验证码,来确定登录Steam账户的人是该账户的拥有人。STEAM GUARD大大增加了Steam账户的安全性能。
Steam client
If you want to use Steam, please install the Steam Platform Client first, and you can enjoy the right to use Steam Platform (free of charge) after registration. The paid game on Steam Platform must be purchased at the agent retailer and activated on Steam, or online purchased through Steam Platform, and get the serial number of the game (usually after direct purchase). You will get the game directly, and you will have the right to download, install and use it. (After the game is activated, it will be permanently bound to the account. Any computer can log in to the account with the right to use it.
Steam users need to update to the latest version in order to get a better game experience. All updates to the Steam platform (including games) are automated.
Each STEAM account is in addition to the account number and password. There is also a unique set of STEAM IDs. Standard: STEAM_0:0 (or possibly STEAM_0:1): XXXXXXX (X is an Arabic numeral of 6-8 yards 0-9)
The client of Steam platform has added a new function called STEAM GUARD to protect the security of Steam user account. STEAM GUARD first needs to bind Steam account to a secure mailbox. When Steam users log into Steam account with a computer that has not previously logged in to Steam account, Steam sends an e-mail containing authentication code to the secure mailbox, and then enters the authentication code through the authentication interface that pops up from the login interface. To determine that the person who logs into the Steam account is the owner of the account. STEAM GUARD greatly increases the security performance of Steam accounts.

Steam’s mobile APP provides the function of security token. When you log in to Steam after binding the mobile phone, you will be prompted to enter the authentication code to ensure the security of the player’s account. Next, please see Steam’s mobile phone token binding tutorial brought by Xiaobian, hoping to be useful to you.
1. Log in to your account at the Steam Store Client, we can click on the top left corner and the following page will appear. At this point, the first option is the step token.
2. The introduction of step token will appear after selection. There are settings at the bottom. Players can choose how to set them.
3. After entering the settings, three choices will pop up: first, access the verification code through the mobile phone; second, through e-mail; third, close. The mobile phone selected here gets the authentication code.
4. Choose the next step after obtaining the authentication code through the mobile phone.
5. Add your own mobile phone number. (Note: Must be the number you often use, otherwise it will be very troublesome to retrieve it later.)
6. Before adding mobile phone number, the prefix of national mobile phone code should be added, such as China: +86.
7. When the mobile phone number is added, a validation code will be received on the mobile phone.
8. Fill in the validation code received and submit it in the specified area below.
9. When you re-enter the step page, it will show that a mobile token verifier has been completed.
10. We also need to restore our code on the mobile page in case the mobile phone is lost. We can use this code to retrieve the steam account.

Steam双语例句,Steam’s Bilingual Example Sentences
In an electric power plant the heat converts water into high-pressure steam.
Steam the carrots until they are just beginning to be tender
The Government was determined to go full steam ahead with its privatisation programme
Regular exercise helps to combat unwanted stress and is a good way of relaxing or letting off steam.
Just as the presidential campaign was picking up steam, riots exploded in Los Angeles.
I decided to paint the bathroom ceiling but ran out of steam halfway through.
Patients who are well enough to turn up under their own steam are well enough to wait to be seen by a doctor.
Leave the vegetables to steam over the rice for the 20 minutes cooking time.
Plans are rolling full steam ahead for the Jamaica Festival.
The boiler discharged steam.
Steam is rising from the kettle.
The windows are covered with steam.
The piston moves by steam pressure.
Smoke was used to simulate steam coming from a smashed radiator
This machine is driven by steam.
In 1941, the train would have been pulled by a steam engine.
Steam billowed out from under the bonnet.
Quite a lot of steam escaped from the vent at the front of the machine
Steam or microwave the vegetables until tender.
Shut the steam off–it’s getting too warm in here.
The engines were fired with coal and needed water to keep the steam up.
The steam pipes rattled suddenly, and Franklin uttered a shriek and jumped with fright
Wallcoverings and floors should be able to withstand steam and splashes
Steam condenses into drops of water.
He picked up his mug and blew off the steam.
Steam condenses to water when it touches a cold surface.
The steam whistle is blowing.
Suddenly, clouds of steam started to belch from the engine.
Steam locomotives pumped out clouds of white smoke.
The 19th century was the heyday of steam railways.

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